Policies & Procedures
We aim to provide the highest care and education at Little Swans Pre-school. All our Policies and Procedures are available to view at any time at the pre-school. These Policies include:
Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults policy
Our setting works with children, parents and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children and to give them the best start in life. Our Safeguarding Policy is based on the three key committments of the Early Years Alliance Safeguarding Children Policy, in which the Alliance are committed to:
Building a 'culture of safety' in which children are protected from abuse and harm in all areas of its service delivery
Responding promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns of abuse that may occur and to work with statutory agencies in accordance with the procedures that are set down in 'What do do if you are worried a child is being abused' (HMG 2015)
Promoting awareness of child abuse issues throughout its training and learning programmes for adults. It is also committed to empowering young children, through its early childhood curriculum, promoting their right to be strong, resilient and listened to.
Our designated Safeguarding Officer is Jeannette Saich and our Deputy Safeguarding Officer is Mags Gerrard. Both have up to date Level 3 Safeguarding training.
Confidentiality and Information Sharing
The information you share with us about your child and your family is confidential to our pre-school. However, there may be times when the law requires information to be shared with a statutory agency to prevent harm. We record and share information about children and their families in line with the six principles of the General Data Protection Act (GDPR) (2018) which are further explained in our Privacy Notice that is given to parents on registration.
Any parent who has a concern about an aspect of the setting's provision talks over, first of all, their concerns with the pre-school Manager. The procedure for making a complaint is available for parents to view as well as the telephone number for Ofsted.
Click here for a full list of our Policies.
If you would like to view any or all of our Policies and Procedures, hard copies are held at the pre-school premises for viewing at any time. A digital copy can be available on request.