Little Swans News
Please see Childcare Choices website to find out what financial help you could get with childcare costs
Online health support & guidance for young people & parents
Life can be difficult enough sometimes, and for children and young people, those day-to-day interactions with others, your attitude about yourself, your relationships with people at home, at school or work, can be especially overwhelming. It's also a challenge for parents and carers seeing changes in their child's behaviour or personality and not really knowing what's going on or the best way to support them.
Devon's Public Health Nursing team have launched 3 websites dedicated to providing help and advice for young people and their parents and carers, from pre-natal right through to teenage years.
Click on the links to access the websites:
Health for under 5s - Offers pre-natal advice and for children up to 5 years old
Health for Kids - aimed at parents and cares of children primary school aged
Health for Teens - for young people of secondary school age and their parents and carers
Cost of Living
If you are, or know someone who is, struggling financially in these current times, please visit the following websites from Teignbridge Council for advice and support.
Please see the advice from the UK Health Security Agency and NHS about illnesses